07 Feb 2025

Press & news

FluoGuide develops surgical solutions that is expected to reduce suffering for the patient and increases the likelihood of cure as well as reducing costs for the health care system.

New - New exchange: Nasdaq First North

FluoGuide is moving from Spotlight to Nasdaq First North. Shareholders are strongly encouraged to make sure they will be able to freely trade their shares in the future.

Registration at the Danish Business Authority

Press release

May 17, 2020

As previously announced by FluoGuide A/S (“FluoGuide” or “the Company”), the guarantors who through a compensation free guarantee guaranteed up to approximately 19% of the warrants of series TO 1 exercise were allocated 27,737 shares, corresponding to approximately 2.4 % of the maximum warrant exercise volume. The registration of the 27,737 shares is for technical reasons done as not-exercised warrants instead of as a directed issue, which means that the existing authorization to the Board of Directors given at the Annual General Meeting to issue shares will not be utilized for the allocation of the 27,737 shares for the grantors.

Number of shares and share capital
The change of registration procedure for the 27,737 shares does not change the total number of shares or the proceeds for the Company, compared to what has already been announced. When the new shares have been registered with the Danish Business Authority (in Danish “Erhvervsstyrelsen”), the total number of shares in FluoGuide will amount to 10,530,026 shares and the share capital will amount to DKK 1,053,002.60.

Financial advisor and legal advisor
Sedermera Fondkommission has acted as financial advisor in the warrant exercise and the directed issue. Markets & Corporate Law Nordic AB has acted as legal advisor.

For further information regarding the warrants of series TO 1 and the directed issue, please contact:
Sedermera Fondkommission
+46 40 615 14 10