16 Jan 2025

Press & news

FluoGuide develops surgical solutions that is expected to reduce suffering for the patient and increases the likelihood of cure as well as reducing costs for the health care system.

New - New exchange: Nasdaq First North

FluoGuide is moving from Spotlight to Nasdaq First North. Shareholders are strongly encouraged to make sure they will be able to freely trade their shares in the future.

Presentation of FluoGuide at Life Science Investorkonference Q3 2019


September 20, 2019

Presentation from FluoGuide at Life Science Investorkonference

FluoGuide A/S (“FluoGuide”, ticker FLUO) was presented at the 18 September at the Life Science Investorkonference in Copenhagen, a conference where other life science companies presented their businesses and future plans. The presentation from FluoGuide is now available at FluoGuide’s home page ( and a video will also be made available on FluoGuide’s home page as soon as available.

Presentation can be downloaded here.

Video (in Danish) from the presentation can be seen shortly under this section. It is uploaded as soon as available.


FluoGuide will present next time in Stockholm, on 18 November 2019 at the Sedemeradagen.


For further information about FluoGuide, please contact:
Morten Albrechtsen, CEO, FluoGuide A/S
Telephone: +45 24 25 62 66


About FluoGuide
FluoGuide A/S (Spotlight Stock Market: FLUO:SS) provides solutions for maximizing surgical outcome through intelligent targeting. FluoGuide’s first product FG001 increases precision in cancer surgery by lighting up the cancer and its invasive growth into the surrounding tissue. FG001 is expected to reduce suffering for the patients and increase the likelihood of cure. It can also reduce costs for the health care system for the benefit of society. FluoGuide focuses on demonstrating the effect of FG001 in patients by conducting a human proof-of-concept clinical trial and expects to announce the first result of this study during first half of 2020.


About FG001
FG001, FluoGuide’s first product, lights up the cancer and its invasive growth into the surrounding tissue. It helps the surgeon remove the entire tumor during surgery and increases the chance for complete cure of the patient. The task for the surgeon is simply to “turn the lights on and see the entire tumor”. The solution helps surgeons remove a minimal amount of normal tissue while also reducing the risk of leaving cancer tissue behind. This reduces the suffering of the patient and increases the likelihood of cure, and also reduces costs for the health care system. FG001 is currently prepared for a proof-of-concept clinical study.