07 Feb 2025

Press & news

FluoGuide develops surgical solutions that is expected to reduce suffering for the patient and increases the likelihood of cure as well as reducing costs for the health care system.

New - New exchange: Nasdaq First North

FluoGuide is moving from Spotlight to Nasdaq First North. Shareholders are strongly encouraged to make sure they will be able to freely trade their shares in the future.

New Board member proposed and invitation for Extraordinary General Meeting

Press release

June 4, 2021

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4 June 2021 – FluoGuide A/S (“FluoGuide” or the “Company”) proposes the election of Mats Thorén as new board member and therefor convenes an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 21 June 2021.

To the shareholders of FluoGuide A/S

The board of directors proposes the election of Mat Thorén as new board member.

Mats Thorén was born 1971 and studied at the Stockholm School of Economics focusing on Accounting and Financial Economics as well as studies in medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Mats Thorén has 25 years of experience from the financial markets, where he has worked in the Healthcare both as an equity analyst and in corporate finance. For the past seventeen years, Mats Thorén has been a Healthcare investment professional. He has worked with Nalka Life Science AB and MedCap AB and now manages his own company, Vixco Capital, with a focus on investments. He currently serves on the boards of Xbrane BioPharma AB (Stockholm Smallcap), Arcoma AB (Stockholm First North) and Herantis Pharma Oy (Stockholm and Helsinki First North). He has previous board experience from C-Rad AB (Stockholm First North), as well as Cellartis AB, Duocort AB, MIP Technologies AB and several other private companies.

The election of MatsThorén is subject to approval at a general meeting and therefor the board of directors hereby convenes for an Extraordinary General Meeting of FluoGuide to be held on:

Monday 21 June 2021 at 11:00 (CEST) at the Company’s premises, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, room M4, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.

Please find the invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting attached this press release. The invitation can also be founded on the Company’s website.

Mats is very goal oriented and has a very strong background and understanding of the Swedish and International investor market. He further beings valuable experience to the board on late-stage development and commercialization strategies.” says Morten Albrechtsen, CEO and continues “We are very pleased to propose Mats to join the board of directors in FluoGuide.”

Special circumstances due to COVID-19

FluoGuide will comply with the recommendations coming from the authorities due to COVID-19. The board of directors recommend that the shareholders do not shown up physically. The shareholders are encouraged to utilize the possibility to submit a proxy to the board of directors or vote by correspondence rather than exposing themselves and others to unnecessary risks by opting for physical attendance.

For further information, please contact:

Henrik Moltke, CFO
FluoGuide A/S
Phone: +45 22 44 54 04


Certified Adviser:
Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgransking AB
Phone: +46 70 755 95 51