FluoGuide A/S issue warrants to employees and management
March 29, 2022
Today, the Board of Directors of FluoGuide has exercised its authorization to issue new warrants by issuing 40,000 warrants to employees and management. All warrants are issued free of change.
Warrants are issued to ensure alignment of interests between the Company’s employees, management, and shareholders. The Company believes that the issue of warrants will strengthen the achievement of FluoGuide’s short-term and long-term goals to support the Company’s business strategy, sustainability, and value creation for the benefit of shareholders.
The warrants are issued in accordance with FluoGuide’s authorization in Clause 3.1.4 of the Articles of Association.
Each warrant grants the holder the right to subscribe for (1) one new share in FluoGuide. The exercise price is fixed at SEK 65,00 per share. The warrants issued vest with 1/36 per month.
Todays issued warrants represents a total dilution of 0,3 % of the current share capital, if vested and exercised. The warrant program is the second warrant program to FluoGuide employees, management, and Board of Directors. The first warrant program was issued in May 2021.
Vested warrants may be exercised in two annual exercise periods of two weeks following publication of respectively the Annual Report and the Interim half-year report.
The detailed terms of all warrants issued by the Company can be found in the Articles of Association on the Company’s website under https://fluoguide.com/investor/compliance/, following registration with the Danish Business Authorities.