Members of the board and management exercise warrants and subscribe for shares in FluoGuide A/S
April 29, 2020
The FluoGuide warrants of series TO 1 that was issued in connection with FluoGuide’s issue of units, prior to listing on Spotlight Stock Market. The exercise period for the warrants TO 1 runs until and including 7 May 2020. Upon full exercise of all warrants of series TO 1, FluoGuide will be allocated approximately DKK 6.4 million (before costs). FluoGuide hereby announces that board members and management have chosen to exercise 112,322 warrants to subscribe for a total of 112,322 new shares in the Company. Below, each person’s amount of exercised warrants of series TO 1 is presented: Arne Ferstad (Member of the Board): 44,929 warrants; Grethe Nørskov Rasmussen (Chief Development Officer): 44,929 warrants; Peter Mørch Eriksen (Member of the Board): 18,720 warrants; and Micaela Sjökvist (Member of the Board): 3,744 warrants.