FluoGuide A/S’s directed share issue registered at the Danish Business Authority
Press release
March 2, 2020
FluoGuide A/S (“FluoGuide” or “Company”) hereby announces that the directed share issue has been formally registered at the Danish Business Authority (Danish: “Erhvervsstyrelsen”). As previously communicated, A/S Arbejdernes Landsbank and Linc AB participated with others in the directed share issue of approx. DKK 11.6 million (before issue costs of approx. DKK 0.5 million).
The Company’s share capital has, in connection with the registration of the directed share issue, increased to DKK 945,526.80 and the total amount of registered shares is now 9,455,268.
Please visit the Company’s home page (www.fluoguide.com) for more detailed information.